Keys View Joshua Tree National Park | Exploring Joshua Tree National Park
Keys View | Joshus Tree National Park
Keys View is an epic lookout in Joshua Tree National Park that is accessible to ALL visitors to the park.  It features a wheelchair accessible paved trail to views of the San Andreas fault, Mt. San Jacinto, Mt. San Gorgonio and the Salton Sea.  The ever-popular Keys View trail is .25 miles with benches throughout for you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the breathtaking view.
Why Visit
First reason is the breathtaking views. But also, the pure fact that the drop from Keys View to the valley below is roughly one mile in elevation. What also makes this lookout so unique is that in the distance you can see the snowcapped mountain of San Gorgonio at roughly 11,500 ft all the way to the Salton Sea which is 230 ft below sea level.
Keys View Directions
On a clear day the Keys View lookout will dazzle you with clear vivid views of Coachella Valley down below.  From the main road in Joshua Tree National Park (Park Boulevard) you’ll turn off onto Keys View Road. Drive for about 15-20 minutes and the road will dead end into the Keys View parking lot. You really can’t get lost on your way here since the road dead ends to the lookout point.
What also makes this lookout so unique is that in the distance you can see the snowcapped mountain of San Gorgonio at roughly 11,500 ft all the way to the Salton Sea which is 230 ft below sea level.
What You Need to Know
- I’ve read that this is a very popular sunset location so I would suggest arriving early to pick your special spot to take in golden hour.
- You can make this a very easy detour in between your hiking, rock climbing, etc. I use this as my “resting” hour before heading back out to explore the park.
- It may be cold since you’re at a higher elevation. So, if you plan on hanging out, bring layers.
- If the smog or fog rolls in and destroys your view, it would be worth it to come back later or the next day. This is a pretty epic view that is so easy to get to.
- This is the highest point you can drive to in the park!
- Clear Views of the sights below from California Through My Lens
- Ash from Dirt In My Shoes is a top-notch source since she is former Park Ranger.
- Sunset Magazines Top Wow Spots In Joshua Tree National Park
- Epic Sunset Pictures from The Outbound CollectiveÂ
- Short 10 second clip of Sunset at Keys View. Amazing!
- Tips for Visiting the Park
- Visting with you dog? Check out my post on Three Pet Friendly Ideas for JTree
Now go get your sunset on! Adventure awaits!