The mountains are calling, so we obviously went!

I just got back from my first backpacking trip, and I love it. I sure hope Lemon feels the same way because we’ll be going often. I’ve always wanted to get into backpacking, but it seemed so intimidating. The amount of money you have to shell out for the gear, the thought of being away from civilization with only the items you have on your back, and the fear that little Lemon wouldn’t be able to hike a mountain, made it rather scary for me. But I knew I shouldn’t let that stop me from doing something I had always wanted to.

So, I decided to buy all the gear, asked my friend to put together a trip and I just did it. It was an amazing experience, and I can’t wait to go again! For our trip we decided to head to the San Gabriel mountains. We ventured about 45 minutes into the mountain range to start our journey to Little Jimmy Campground. When you reach the parking lot for Little Jimmy Campground that trailhead is directly across from the lot. You have about 2 miles of backpacking until you reach the campground.
The first mile is an incline, but the last mile is relatively easy! Once you reach the campground you’ll be rewarded with amazing views and beautiful campsites. There’s also a spring where you can get cold water. I saw people drinking water directly from it. But I wouldn’t recommend that, use your filtration system!!!
There are a variety of trails you can check out, but I would advise going to Mt Islip summit for sure! It’s a relatively easy hike with amazing views! Well Lemon and I are absolutely exhausted. You’ll find us at home, eating sweet treats to reward ourselves and napping the rest of the day away!!!! Adventure awaits.